4 Free or Low-Cost Ways to Drastically Improve Curb Appeal

Realtor Tours

Sep 21, 2022

As a real estate agent, you know that first impressions matter. When potential homebuyers drive up to a property, they form an opinion within seconds. If the property doesn’t look well-maintained from the outside, they may not even bother getting out of the car to take a look.

That’s why it’s so important to make sure your listings have great curb appeal. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to improve a property’s curb appeal without breaking the bank. In this blog post, we’ll share four free or low-cost ways to drastically improve curb appeal.

Curb appeal is all about creating a good first impression. From the moment potential homebuyers pull up to a listing, they’re forming an opinion about the property. If the lawn is overgrown and the paint is chipped, they may not even bother getting out of their car to take a look.

Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to improve a property’s curb appeal without breaking the bank. In this blog post, we’ll share four free or low-cost ways to drastically improve curb appeal.


1. Mow the lawn and trim the hedges

This one’s a no-brainer. A well-manicured lawn and neatly trimmed hedges go a long way in making a property look well-cared-for from the outside. If the current owners haven’t been keeping up with yard work, chances are potential buyers won’t either. Spend an afternoon sprucing up the landscaping and you’ll be surprised at how much it improves the overall look of the property.

2. Paint or pressure wash the exterior

Another easy and inexpensive way to improve curb appeal is to paint or pressure wash the exterior of the house. Chipped or faded paint makes a house look old and neglected, but a fresh coat can give it new life. If painting isn’t an option, consider renting a pressure washer and giving the exterior buildings on your property a good cleaning. Just make sure you test it on an inconspicuous area first to avoid damaging any delicate surfaces like brick or stone siding.

3. Clear away any clutter

Clutter around a property—including things like toys, bikes, and tools—can make it look messy and uninviting from the street. Before taking photos or bringing potential buyers by for showings, take some time to clear away any unsightly clutter around the yard. This will make each photo you take and each show you do that much more successful in generating interest from buyers.

4. Add some color with flowers and planters

Nothing says “welcome” quite like colorful flowers and plantings around your front door/entranceway/porch area. Flowers are relatively inexpensive (you can even get them for free if you’re willing to do some digging in your own backyard) and they really brighten up a space. Colorful planters are another great way to add some life to your property without breaking the bank—just make sure they complement your home’s existing color scheme so they don’t clash!

Creating curb appeal doesn’t have to be expensive or time-consuming. By following these four simple tips, you can dramatically improve curb appeal without spending a lot of money. With just a few hours of work, you can make your listing stand out from all the rest. So what are you waiting for? Get out there and start sprucing up!

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